What Its Do?
It makes your phone
super snappy with better multitasking!
It rearranges and fixes the OOM Groupings and Priorites and lowmemorykiller values.
So basically, it's a
It's the ONLY one of it's kind
NO LAUNCHER REDRAWS, faster than ever, multitasking is better... why?
it works with the lowmemorykiller and letting it work the way it's meant to work.
You don't need to kill your process and apps anymore. Its
NOT recommended to use
Task Killers!
because of the rearrangement, it works the same on all roms!
The problem with using minfree tweakers like AMM or AKMO is that it doesn't work the same on all roms.
Secondary apps may be in slot 3 on some roms but in slot 5 in others!
That's why you hear people comment "I tried AKMO but it didn't do anything..."
Most likely
it didn't do anything because the apps weren't sitting where they were expected to be.
*Sesuai bagi HTC yang dulu
Sense 2.1 pakai custom rom
sense 3.0/sense 3.5, kerana kerap kali
Rosie Reboot akibat kekurangan ram.
Secara Visualnya
Sebelum Guna Script V6 Supercharger
Selepas Guna Script V6 Supercharger
1. Handphone Dah
2. Dah Installed
"Script Manager" https://market.android.com/details?id=os.tools.scriptmanager&hl=en
Busybox 1.18.2 Atau Kebawah - (kalau terupgrade yang latest,downgrade guna "BusyBox Installer"
4. Untuk Pengguna
CyanogenMod :
UNTICK "LOCK HOME IN MEMORY" kat Settings> CyanogenMod settings> Performance
Cara Nak Gunakannya
1. Download V6 supercharger tu... Tkr format dari ".txt" ke ".sh"
2. Letak kat sd card... Kat luar (At Root Of SD Card).
3. Download "Script Manager" kat market.
4. Bukak SM(Script manager)
5. Menu>More>Advance Options>Config "Tick "Browse as Root"
6. Back
7. Carik file v6 tadi,pastu click.
8. Tekan lambang superuser(tengkorak hijau) dulu.
9. RUN
10. Pilih scroll speed.
11. Pilih tweak yang dikehendaki (sy pakai 5)(tweak bgaimana rules android nak ikut tuk kill app berdasarkan foreground app,background n ade yg len lg... Screenshot Option Kat Bawah).
12. Pastu tunggu dier wat keje.
13. Pastu minimize.. (jgn exit)
14. Restart.
Penerangan Akan Tweak Supercharger
Sebelum tu,kite fahamkan dulu tentang Kitar Hayat Aplikasi Android.
In Android, the applications are run as a separate Linux process. So the application lifecycle is closely related to the process lifecycle. The application process lifecycle is handled by the system depending on the current system memory state.
In case of low memory, the Android system kills some less important process. The process importance is decided depending on the state of the process components.
The process types depending on the importance are as follows (from most important to least important):
1. Foreground process: A foreground process is the application process with which the user is currently interacting. The process is considered to be foreground if its Activity is at the top of the Activity stack (its onResume() has been called) or BroadcastReceiver is currently running (onReceive() method is currently getting executed) or its Service is executing callback functions like onCreate(), onStart() or onDestroy() methods.
2. Visible Process: A visible process is the process which has an Activity visible to the user (its onPause() method has been called).
3. Service Process: Service process contains a Service for which startService method is called and the service is running.
4. Background Process: The background process does not have any visible activities to the user. (Activity onStop() method has been called).
5. Empty Process: Empty process is the one that does not have any active application components. These processes are kept on for caching purpose.
It is important that application developers understand lifecycle of the application process. Not using these correctly can result in the system killing the application’s process while it is doing important work.
Kat V6 Supercharger,dier tweak seperti dibawah.
Ia Disusun Secara
kalau setting 5 = (6,8,24,26,28,30) mb
- Foreground Application = 6,
- Visible Application = 8mb,
- Secondary Server = 24mb,
- Hidden Application = 26mb,
- Content Provider = 28mb,
- Empty Application = 30mb
nilai-nilai mb tersebut bermaksud...contoh30mb...
Jadi sistem android akan reserve space tuk proses tu running minimum sebanyak 30mb...
Jikalau terkurang dari nilai tersebut,ia akan kill aplikasi lain dan reserve tuk minimum 30mb tu.
Thanks! zeppelinrox!
Original Thread from xda!
*X perlu lagi Task Killer yang running as background...
*Boleh juga pakai bersama-sama swap.
Jadi,Selamat Mencuba! :)
Cara guna
1. Download V6 supercharger tu... Tkr format dari ".txt" ke ".sh"
2. Letak kat sd card... Kat luar.
3. Download "script manager" kat market.
4. Bukak SM(Script manager)
5. Carik file v6 tadi,pastu click.
6. Tekan lambang superuser(tengkorak) dulu.
7. RUN
8. Pilih scroll speed.
9. Pilih tweak yang dikehendaki (sy pakai 5)(tweak bgaimana rule android nak ikut tuk kill app berdasarkan foreground app,background n ade yg len lg... Nk fhm tweak tu,tgk website tu).
10. Pastu tunggu dier wat keje.
11. Pastu minimize.. (jgn exit)
12. Restart.